The 2024 Townshend Volunteer Fire Department Annual Newsletter
Dear Townshend Property Owners,
As we send this year's annual Fire Department letter, we are happy
to report that we have not had an event that resulted in significant
loses. That is the good news. Our call totals for this year so far
still lean toward events that require diversified equipment. An
example of that is the rise in motor vehicle-related calls and the
variety of calls within that category. Certain types of vehicle incidents require
specialized equipment. As a result with your previous donations, we have bought a variety of
extrication equipment. With that equipment goes the need for what is called extrication gear. We
are in the process of researching that gear now.
We had an opportunity to get some forestry fire gear at a 50/50 match. We did that and
could use some more. The two seasons for forest related incidents are the spring and fall.
In the recent past we have been to those incidents, and they have taken up a lot of
personnel and equipment. As with many of the calls we get that equipment is only used for
forest-related calls.
Some other purchases included gear lockers to keep our personal protective equipment in
order and organized. A new Cascade compressor was purchased and installed. This is a
unit that fills air bottles that are used with the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
Finally, an assortment of hose fittings was purchased. Some of these were necessary to
have when a mutual aid truck must connect to one of ours.
The Department and town had a new fire pond installed on Jordan Hill Road. This provides
us with a source of water in a part of town that is remote.
We thank you for your past support and hope you will consider a donation to the
Department this year. Also, if you want to help us out either as a volunteer for the
department or in some other capacity, please let Chief Glen Beattie know.
From the members of the Townshend Volunteer Fire Department.
If you would like to donate to the department make checks or money order payable to:
Townshend Volunteer Fire Department
PO Box 627
Townshend, Vermont 05353
Please include your address if it is not already on your check so that we may send you a receipt
and thank you letter